Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Seaweed Can Help With Fatigue Radiation Exposure Heavy Metals & More

I woke up feeling very tired this morning. I felt like I was catching a cold. I then ate a handful of dried seaweed called sea palm and bounced right back. Seaweeds contain valuable minerals and eating seaweed can give you energy. If I eat seaweed too late in the day I actually can’t sleep.

Sea palm comes in long skinny spaghetti like strands and is quite tasty crunchy and easy to eat right out of the bag.

Here is a link to some other ways you can incorporate seaweed into your diet.


Seaweed is also said to help the body deal with radiation exposure. That is certainly a plus after the recent nuclear reactor issues in Japan due to the earthquake.

If you don't like eating seaweed you can also take kelp capsules instead. 

According to Herbalist and Wise Woman Susun S. Weed seaweed can do the following: “Seaweeds of all kinds help restore energy by nourishing nervous, immune, and hormonal systems. Make it a habit to eat seaweed as a green vegetable at least once a week. Try kelp in your oatmeal, wakame in your beans, kombu in your soups, hijiki salads, toasted dulse, sea palm fronds, and deep-fried nori!”

Here are some other healing properties of seaweeds.

Seaweed contains 26 times the calcium of milk, seaweed strengthens teeth (and bones!) and helps to fight tooth decay.

Seaweed has antiviral properties so is good to eat when fighting a cold or flu or dealing with respiratory issues.

Seaweed contains B and C vitamins, minerals and amino acids and has anti-inflammatory properties, so sea plants enhance resistance to allergies and other infection.

Sea vegetables contain powerful antioxidants that assist in fighting dangerous free radicals (cells that go wayward) for a super strong and protected immune system.

The iodine and amino acids found in seaweed combine to significantly reduce breast and uterine fibroids; help prevent cysts from forming.

Eating seaweed can help lower blood cholesterol.

The polysaccharides (a form of soluble fiber) found in sea greens, aid in digestion by soothing the digestive and intestinal tracts. So no need for laxatives!

The minerals amino acids and fiber work contained in seaweed work in unison to detoxify heavy metals and pollutants that enter the body through food and the air we breath.

Minerals in seaweed act like electrolytes, which assist the kidneys in regaining optimum function. The fiber content contained in seaweed aids in kidney stone prevention.

Nori contains as much Vitamin C as oranges, and is packed with beta-carotene like carrots, rich in calcium for your bones, iodine and iron for thyroid.

Kelp is high in iodine, which needs to be present for proper glandular function and metabolism. Kelp also contains phosphorus and calcium, as well as magnesium and potassium. Kelp is a source of vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D and E, plus amino acids. Kelp is the saltiest of sea veggies, so it makes a popular salt substitute. However kelp has been tested and found to be low in sodium.

Wakame is rich in iron and calcium.